
Bad News and Good News

There comes a point in each of our lives when we recognize we are an individual and that we are human. We are not a mouse, we are not a horse, we are a human.

We didn't ask to be a human, we just recognize that we are a human and that we live in a world with other humans.

We discover there is a God, and that somewhere in the past he created humans and everything else we see on earth and in the sky.

The bad news is that our ancestors missed the mark, God’s mark, and God has condemned them, and us, to eternity in Hell, out of His presence! .Bad News!

God created this earth, the sun, and all the stars we see in the night sky. Our telescopes show us that he created millions, billions, of sky-bodies, and that some of them are billions of light years out in space.

We also learn that out of all creation, we humans were the only creatures made in God’s image. We humans were the only created beings (that we can see) that were made to talk with God, the only ones - and our ancestors blew it, they missed the mark.

The Good News is that God likes what He created, He likes humans! He likes to have humans that talk to Him, He likes to be friends with humans, He likes humans to enjoy His company and all the things He has created! God likes humans, and that’s Good News!

But, there’s a problem! God can’t have humans in His presence that have missed the mark! Bad News!

The Good News is that God sent His son Jesus to come to earth and die on a cross to satisfy the curse on our ancestors. Jesus’ death, in God’s eyes, was enough to pay the curse for every human that was every born or that every will be born! Sins have been paid for, forgiven! Good News!

The Good News is our sin (our missing the mark) is no longer an issue, it’s been paid for. The Good News is that when we accept Jesus’ payment for our sin God accepts us and wants our fellowship, He wants us to be happy and fulfilled like He is.

Good News, God loves us!