
Wednesday, January 20, 2021

It’s Designed to Run


It’s Designed to Run


Our two boys and I kicked the starter on that Honda 90 dirt bike until we were worn out, -- it didn’t start. Dirt bikes are fun, but they need maintenance, and this was bike fixing day.

As we rested from the kicking episode, I explained that an engine is designed to run and when we get the right ingredients in the right proportions it will run. Before it can run, it needs spark (for the sparkplug), air (through the air filter), and gasoline (through the carburetor).

Monday, January 28, 2019

“Hey Google”

This year (2018) the Christmas magi left a Google Home and a Google Mini under our tree. I’d been interested in these devices, and now I have them.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

I Like Stories

I like stories, and I really like success stories. In the Bible the whole 11th chapter of Hebrews is chocked full of success stories, but these aren’t dollar and cents success stories, they are much more important, they are stories about how people bet their lives on what they believed. These are gut level, heart-pounding stories and the first verse of the chapter sets the tone:

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Minimum Knowledge to Become Christian

Some time ago a friend asked me to write an article about the minimum a person must know and believe to become a Christian. I agreed thinking, “That should not take too long.” But the more I thought about it the more difficult it has become,

Before getting to the answer to the question we need a working definition of a Christian for this article:

To be Christian means having a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

The Meaning of Easter

Jesus spoke seven times on the cross. The sixth time he said one word, “TETELSTAI”, it is translated into English as “it is finished”!

The word can also be translated "PAID IN FULL!" THREE words in English, ONE word in Greek – TETELESTAI! The GREATEST WORD from the GREATEST MAN on the GREATEST DAY in all eternity! One word, but no word ever uttered has so changed the

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Lystra - Interesting

Lystra and the events that happened there have always intrigued me. Lystra was a country town in Galatia (in what is now central Turkey) that Paul and Barnabas visited on their first missionary journey as recorded in the New Testament, Acts chapter 14 (48AD).

They spent a year and a half in southern Galatia and they operated out of four towns: Antioch of Pisidia, Iconium, Lystra, and Derbe. Their trip through Galatia is told in Acts 13-14.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Galatians Paraphrased for the 21st Century Reader

This post is Part 1 of a book titled Dead but Living, written by Ray Sammons. The entire book, including 29 colored pictures of the places Paul may have seen, is available in print and ebook here.

The Forward and Introduction explain the book and its purpose.